June 4 - 8, 2018

Hi All,

Here's what's happening this week...

1.  Gym - Dance Residency:  This week kicks off the Bollywood/Latin/Hip Hop Dance Residency with Cody.  Each class will be showcasing their learning on Friday (our time is from 8:45 - 9:00 a.m.).

2.  Charity Water Week:  This is the week when our class really steps up the fundraising drive to fund the building of a water well in a deserving country.  The students set a lofty goal of raising $3000.00, which is the full cost of a well.  ttps://my.charitywater.org/cranston-kids/operation-cranston-clean-water is where you can make your donation!  Other ways of supporting this global initiative is by supporting this week's events:  Bottle drive (drop off bottles at school starting on Monday);  popcorn, lemonade sale; bake sale and a book and toy sale.  Parent volunteers are needed to help make all of these events successful.  If you are able to volunteer (any small way can help!) please email Mrs. Vandertoorn and Ms. Patton.  Our email addresses will be at the bottom of blog.

3.  Learning Commons:  All Cranston School books borrowed from the Learning Commons must be returned to the school by Friday June 8th.  This is a directive from CBE to allow for all books to accounted for and properly shelved in preparation for school in September.  

4.  Fun Lunch:  Wednesday June 6th is Fun Lunch - Subway.  Please send a snack for the morning.

5. Water Charity Day:  Friday June 8th is the big day!  Please help support our efforts to raise money to provide a water well for 100 deserving people!

6.  Report Card Envelopes:  Please have a look around to see if you have your child's report card envelope.  It is white.  If you do, please return it to the school as soon as possible.  The teachers are in report card writing mode.

7.  Artist of the Week:  Ms. Thomas continues to explore the iconic Canadian band "The Tragically Hip" and their influence on the music scene in Canada and the world.

8.  Champions Club:  If you have not filled in, signed and had your child return the Acknowledgement of Risk forms to the school, please do so by Wednesday this week.

Have a great week:

Ms. Patton and Mrs. Vandertoorn




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